Our Philosophy
Yandell Kindergarten practices the principles given to us by philosopher Rudolf Steiner (born in Austria in 1861). He believed the pre-school years to be most important of all in the education of children, and that careful thought must be given to every aspect of physical and human influences. Every impression received in these early years has the potential to influence future health and well-being.
Here at Yandell Kindergarten, we strive to create a warm and nurturing environment which is un-rushed, holistic and hands on. We believe that children learn and develop best when they feel safe and secure and have the time to immerse themselves in play. This is why a large part of the day is devoted to free-play. Through healthy play the children are able to assimilate their skills and life experiences while exploring their environment. We encourage the children to try new things, express their ideas and contribute towards the work of the kindergarten while developing social skills. This provides opportunities for learning skills in exploration, discovery, problem-solving, imagination and creativity, resilience and staying-on-task.
We provide children with a wide range of natural materials in a variety of textures and colours. These include raw, unfinished materials, such as wood, shells, cloths, woollen twisties, baskets, cushions, simple wooden bowls, pots and utensils. We believe natural toys expose children to different textures and contribute to their connection with the environment. The more simple the toy, the more imagination the child uses within play. For example the dolls and animals we provide have simple features which allow children to freely imagine their moods or emotions.
We try to ensure that all food offered is of the highest standard (primarily bio-dynamic or organic), nutritious and plentiful. Everyone is invited to get involved in food preparation. We also offer the kindergarten children a chance to experience some of the many grains available in a harmonious rhythm that is the same each week, such as, millet on Wednesdays and oats on Fridays.
The daily telling of a story, usually through puppetry, allows for imagination rather than fixed formed pictures such as those in books. Most stories told are fairy tales, which speak in a language appropriate to the young child’s consciousness – for they speak through images and actions. The fairy tale conveys that within even the weakest and most lost there is a possibility for greatness. Within everyone are the powers and resources for transformation. No moralizing takes place but the child sees that kindness and diligence are rewarded, and that even the small and weak can overcome the big and strong. For the child, the fantasy of the fairy tale is more than imaginative entertainment, it is the means by which his/her whole world is made visible.
Our outdoor environment encourages natural, sensory play where the environment with all its mud, water and sand can be manipulated to the children’s limitless imagination. Where a sandpit can become an exploration dig, the mud patch can become a construction site, pipes are used by ‘engineers’ creating water-runs and tea parties are held under the shade of our trees. Additional outdoor materials available to the children include simple bowls, spoons, teapots, watering cans, buckets, spades, wheelbarrows, and large building blocks. These simple, sensory materials allow for rich, nourishing and creative play.
At Yandell Kindergarten we work like a big family. The children contribute towards food preparation for morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea, as well as table setting before meals with table cloths, ceramic bowls, plates, cups and vases of flowers. Children support one another by being water-pourers or waiters. During meal times we come together to share the meal we all helped prepare. Before we eat we say a blessing in gratitude for the food we will receive and after the meal we hold hands and say thank you. This is another way we acknowledge the natural world. Mealtimes contribute towards socialising, developing communication skills and turn-taking. At the end of every meal each child is responsible for taking their cup and plate to the trolley and emptying out their scraps. We promote these routines as we believe they encourage independence, responsibility and a feeling of belonging with the group.
Communication with, and imitation of, the teachers as we go about our daily tasks of food preparation, cleaning, repairing, creating and maintaining the environment are integral to all learning. As we ‘work’ in our kindergarten we are aware that our actions in the presence of young children must contain a moral quality. Therefore, our actions are those we wish to see imitated by the children. This includes our interactions and communications amongst each other, children and adults alike.
We believe a sense of belonging is important for children as it builds on their self-esteem, helps them feel safe and secure, and that they are valued members of the group. Festivals that are pertinent to the seasons and the lives of the family are celebrated to enrich the cultural and spiritual lives of the children. This is why at the end of each term we welcome the wider kindergarten community – that is the children, siblings, parents, extended families and staff – to share in the crafts, games, stories and songs which are woven together in preparation for the coming season. Emphasis is placed on embracing all people and nature with reverence and respect.
As adults we respect the children’s need for space, time and self-expression, except where it is destructive, at which stage we would redirect it to a more positive form of expression such as grinding with the mill, or helping set the table. We place great emphasis on the importance of rhythm, through the day, week and even through the seasons. This helps children feel safe in knowing what happens next and what is to come as we prepare for the end of each term. The daily rhythm is supported by songs and verses which move the children through the course of the day. As children feel safe and secure, disruptive behaviour is reduced.
Overall we aim to create a nourishing and home-like environment for each kindergarten child. The toys, the colour of the room and clothing, the nature of the food, song and movement, craft/artistic activities and the daily rhythm all help support children through their senses, and to grow and develop into confident, skilled and secure young people.
Here at Yandell Kindergarten, we strive to create a warm and nurturing environment which is un-rushed, holistic and hands on. We believe that children learn and develop best when they feel safe and secure and have the time to immerse themselves in play. This is why a large part of the day is devoted to free-play. Through healthy play the children are able to assimilate their skills and life experiences while exploring their environment. We encourage the children to try new things, express their ideas and contribute towards the work of the kindergarten while developing social skills. This provides opportunities for learning skills in exploration, discovery, problem-solving, imagination and creativity, resilience and staying-on-task.
We provide children with a wide range of natural materials in a variety of textures and colours. These include raw, unfinished materials, such as wood, shells, cloths, woollen twisties, baskets, cushions, simple wooden bowls, pots and utensils. We believe natural toys expose children to different textures and contribute to their connection with the environment. The more simple the toy, the more imagination the child uses within play. For example the dolls and animals we provide have simple features which allow children to freely imagine their moods or emotions.
We try to ensure that all food offered is of the highest standard (primarily bio-dynamic or organic), nutritious and plentiful. Everyone is invited to get involved in food preparation. We also offer the kindergarten children a chance to experience some of the many grains available in a harmonious rhythm that is the same each week, such as, millet on Wednesdays and oats on Fridays.
The daily telling of a story, usually through puppetry, allows for imagination rather than fixed formed pictures such as those in books. Most stories told are fairy tales, which speak in a language appropriate to the young child’s consciousness – for they speak through images and actions. The fairy tale conveys that within even the weakest and most lost there is a possibility for greatness. Within everyone are the powers and resources for transformation. No moralizing takes place but the child sees that kindness and diligence are rewarded, and that even the small and weak can overcome the big and strong. For the child, the fantasy of the fairy tale is more than imaginative entertainment, it is the means by which his/her whole world is made visible.
Our outdoor environment encourages natural, sensory play where the environment with all its mud, water and sand can be manipulated to the children’s limitless imagination. Where a sandpit can become an exploration dig, the mud patch can become a construction site, pipes are used by ‘engineers’ creating water-runs and tea parties are held under the shade of our trees. Additional outdoor materials available to the children include simple bowls, spoons, teapots, watering cans, buckets, spades, wheelbarrows, and large building blocks. These simple, sensory materials allow for rich, nourishing and creative play.
At Yandell Kindergarten we work like a big family. The children contribute towards food preparation for morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea, as well as table setting before meals with table cloths, ceramic bowls, plates, cups and vases of flowers. Children support one another by being water-pourers or waiters. During meal times we come together to share the meal we all helped prepare. Before we eat we say a blessing in gratitude for the food we will receive and after the meal we hold hands and say thank you. This is another way we acknowledge the natural world. Mealtimes contribute towards socialising, developing communication skills and turn-taking. At the end of every meal each child is responsible for taking their cup and plate to the trolley and emptying out their scraps. We promote these routines as we believe they encourage independence, responsibility and a feeling of belonging with the group.
Communication with, and imitation of, the teachers as we go about our daily tasks of food preparation, cleaning, repairing, creating and maintaining the environment are integral to all learning. As we ‘work’ in our kindergarten we are aware that our actions in the presence of young children must contain a moral quality. Therefore, our actions are those we wish to see imitated by the children. This includes our interactions and communications amongst each other, children and adults alike.
We believe a sense of belonging is important for children as it builds on their self-esteem, helps them feel safe and secure, and that they are valued members of the group. Festivals that are pertinent to the seasons and the lives of the family are celebrated to enrich the cultural and spiritual lives of the children. This is why at the end of each term we welcome the wider kindergarten community – that is the children, siblings, parents, extended families and staff – to share in the crafts, games, stories and songs which are woven together in preparation for the coming season. Emphasis is placed on embracing all people and nature with reverence and respect.
As adults we respect the children’s need for space, time and self-expression, except where it is destructive, at which stage we would redirect it to a more positive form of expression such as grinding with the mill, or helping set the table. We place great emphasis on the importance of rhythm, through the day, week and even through the seasons. This helps children feel safe in knowing what happens next and what is to come as we prepare for the end of each term. The daily rhythm is supported by songs and verses which move the children through the course of the day. As children feel safe and secure, disruptive behaviour is reduced.
Overall we aim to create a nourishing and home-like environment for each kindergarten child. The toys, the colour of the room and clothing, the nature of the food, song and movement, craft/artistic activities and the daily rhythm all help support children through their senses, and to grow and develop into confident, skilled and secure young people.